
Directed by Enelio Fariña

Hi there, let me tell you in 2 minutes how we won a project by betting on reality vs. fiction.

The task: spectacularity and surprise in changing the scene. We could have done it in post-production and been done with it, or we could go all out and build a mega set with walls that open up…

Guess what we chose?


Let me tell you how we dove headfirst into one of those project we love – innovative, with construction, walls that opened, moving sets, a giant stage. A big «Kilombo»!

The story starts off beautifully, like most do. You get a brief, it sounds cool, you propose a director, whip up a great treatment, pitch some groundbreaking ideas, the creative falls in love, and you win. Boom, you’ve got the job. Now you just have to cook it without burning it.

But, of course, not everything is that perfect. You know that call where the client says they now have less money and we need to find a way to make it work without cutting anything out? I’m sure you do. That’s when producers go searching for their magic hat and wand


The excitement, the drive, the optimism, makes you tighten your belt and jump in. With the whole team led by director Ene Fariña, art director Estrella Benito, builders, 3D designers… we came up with a set where we moved from one scene to another through a wall that split in half.

We rented the biggest studio in Catalonia, locked ourselves in there for a couple of days to set up, and just one day to shoot the whole thing. The team literally gave their all to make it happen. My respects. The rest is history.

Thanks to the agency Microbio Gentleman, Jordi Güell from FilmsPartner, and the client Uriach for the trust and support.

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