David Alcalde
Born in Barcelona in 1970. In 1991 creates DDT Special Effects, which leads him to work in over 150 shootings for commercials and feature films as special effects supervisor and designer for more than 8 years. His former company won an Oscar Academy Award for Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth. At the same time starts directing commercials for brands as Sony Playstation, The Coca Cola Co., Pepsico, Renault, Toyota, Volswagen, Peugeot, Canal+, Fuji, Cadbury, Mitsubishi, Sony-Ericsson, Telmex, Calsberg, Ferrari or Santander Bank from more than 250 advertising jobs. Nowadays David continues directing commercials and music videos worldwide, and is still working on the development of different fiction projects both in Europe and the US