Cupra VZ5

Directed by Jari,

When the &Rosàs agency called us to propose this project, we immediately connected. It was going to be the project where Glassy would deploy all its innovative potential.

The challenge was enourmous. We had to represent how light behaves through a prism in a space where the SUV Cupra Formentor VZ5 could show off. We created a team with Jari as director, Hamil industries & Estrella Benito in conceptualization and artistic development, and Jose Luis Bernal as director of photography. 

Cupra VZ5

We started by investigating how light reflects off a prism and how it looks on camera. But there was a problem: prisms are 14 cm high and we needed them to be taller than a car. But there was a problem, prisms are 14 cm high and we needed them to be taller than a car, better said, taller than an SUV. Where could we get a prism taller than 2.5 meters? They don’t exist, we had to build them from scratch.

After several weeks of research we created differents prototypes exploring various materials: crystalline, opaque, mirror, and others until we found the formula to recreate that characteristic reflection of light so characteristic of a prism by breaking down white light into all the colors of the spectrum. We built from scratch 12 giant prisms from scratch. They were unique pieces so delicate that they had to be assembled directly on set.

The next challenge was how to achieve a 180º rotation where we could see the car completely reflected with the prisms.

The solution was to create a 20m x 20m pool where we placed the car and the prisms. The last but not least challenge was to show the speed and acceleration of this vehicle inside a set. How did we do that? We’ll keep that to ourselves ;)The result of many weeks of pre-production work, 2 full days of shooting and a fine-tuned post-production process can be seen in this piece.


With Jari at the head and our inhouse team, we produced the «Behind the scenes» video where you can discover what was behind this campaign.

We want to highlight the entire creative and production team of &Rosàs, Estrella Benito and Pablo Barquín (Hamill Industries), with whom we teamed up from the first moment and with whom we were able to make this never seen before piece a reality.

«Art has a lot to do with driving. With this piece we didn’t give to the observer rational reasons why this car is great, but about the emotion of driving it.»


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